Dolphin Anty vs Octo Browser

Hey there, digital adventurers! Today, we’re gonna chat about two heavy hitters in the antidetect browser game: Dolphin Anty vs Octo Browser. These bad boys are well known in paid ads area of online marketing, helping users manage multiple accounts without getting blocked.

So, whether you’re an affiliate marketer, a social media guru, or just someone who likes to keep their online identity protected, this comparison is for you!

Dolphin Anty

dolphinDolphin Anty Features

Let’s start with Dolphin Anty. This browser can be familiar to you when it comes to affiliate marketing with multiple Facebook accounts.

Born in 2021, it’s the brainchild of Denis Zhitnyakov from Rostov, Russia. He started Dolphin as a product designed specifically for running paid traffic ads on Facebook and other platforms.

Here’s what Dolphin Anty brings to the table:

  1. Social media automation: Dolphin Anty is all about those paid traffic ads. They’ve even got a special tool for automating Facebook Ad campaigns. Sounds pretty nifty, right? But hold on – this feature will set you back an extra $99 a month on top of the browser cost.
  2. No-code automation: If you’re not a coding wizard, no worries! Dolphin Anty lets you build custom automation scenarios using blocks.
  3. Mass profile actions: Managing a bunch of profiles? Dolphin Anty’s got your back. You can easily import, organize, and operate multiple profiles with mass actions.
  4. Teamwork features: Sharing is caring, and Dolphin Anty knows it. You can easily share and transfer profiles to other accounts, and there are even permissions for team members.

dolphin smm

Dolphin Anty Comfort of Use

Now, let’s talk about how user-friendly this thing is. Spoiler alert: it’s a bit of a mixed bag.

On one hand, Dolphin Anty has a pretty steep learning curve. If you’re new to the game, you might feel like you’ve been thrown into the deep end without a life jacket. There are no tooltips or first-run tutorials to hold your hand.

But here’s the twist – a lot of experienced affiliates absolutely love this about Dolphin Anty. They say it’s “clear and obvious” and praise it for being exactly what they need. It’s like a secret handshake for the affiliate marketing club.

Dolphin Anty Updates Frequency

When it comes to keeping things fresh, Dolphin Anty is doing alright. They push out updates regularly, but you’ll need to join their Telegram channel to stay in the loop. Their website is a bit slow when it comes to release info.

One thing to note – some users have reported that Dolphin Anty can be prone to crashing during long sessions. If you’re planning on running profiles 24/7, this might be something to keep in mind.

Dolphin Anty Support Quality

Dolphin Anty started out catering to the Russian-speaking crowd, but they’ve since expanded their horizons, although the community core is still Russian. You can expect decent English support from the Dolphin team.

Support for Dolphin AntyThey’ve got a blog with some usage guides in English, but for some reason, they’ve skipped the whole documentation thing. So, if you’ve got questions, you’ll probably end up in the live support chat. The support team speaks good English, but some users say they’re not always quick.

Oh, and we can’t ignore the elephant in the room – Dolphin Anty had a major data leak in July 2022. About 15% of user profiles were stolen leading to user crypto account loss.

To their credit, the Dolphin team compensated a lot of users for their losses, however, it’s a thing to seriously consider before going for a long run.

Octo Browser

Alright, let’s shift gears and talk about Octo Browser. This little contender came out of Belarus in 2020 and has been making waves in the post-Soviet marketing world ever since.

Dolphin Anty vs Octo BrowserOcto Browser Features and Usage Nuances

Octo Browser is pitching itself as the universal antidetect browser. The team declares they can handle multiple accounts on any platform, for any business. That’s a pretty big claim, considering how different the needs can be for, say, Facebook ads versus crypto airdrops.

One thing to note right off the bat – Octo doesn’t offer a free plan or trial period. We had to shell out 29€ for the Starter plan to take this tool for a spin.

Octo Browser First Impressions

First things first – Octo Browser UI is easy on the eyes. Unlike some antidetect browsers that look like they were designed in the year 2005, Octo’s interface is clean and doesn’t make you want to gouge your eyes out.

Dolphin Anty vs Octo Browser

But here’s the kicker – there are no tooltips or tutorials for newbies. It’s like they’re saying, “Figure it out yourself” To be fair, if you know what you’re doing, it’s pretty intuitive.

They do have a “Learning Center” with docs and video tutorials in English and Russian, which is nice. Creating profiles and setting up proxies is a breeze, and most fingerprint settings have an auto mode.

But hold up – on the Starter plan, you can only add one proxy server. That’s right, all your profiles are gonna be running through the same proxy. It’s like having ten people try to squeeze through one door at the same time. This is only one of some weird limits Octo introduces.

Octo Browser Comfort of Use

Here’s where things get a bit dicey. If you’re managing a ton of profiles, Octo might not be your best bet. Mass actions are pretty limited, and there’s no way to organize profiles into folders or categories.

Instead, they offer tags, but even those are limited in number and can get pricey.

octo interfaceOn the plus side, profiles start and stop quickly, and there’s a cookie robot for warming up profiles. But you can only import cookies, not view or edit them directly.

Octo’s got this cool feature called Profile Templates, but wouldn’t you know it – it’s not available on the Starter plan.

Oh, and here’s a weird quirk – Octo doesn’t minimize to the tray when you close it. So if you accidentally close the main window, all your profiles might close in a wrong way.

Octo Browser Mobile Devices and Fingerprints

Octo doesn’t have mobile or web versions. No Octo Browser Android app, no iOS app or web app. In 2024, that’s a bit of a bummer.

Dolphin Anty vs Octo BrowserAnd if you’re into TikTok or other mobile platforms, you’re out of luck – Octo doesn’t offer mobile fingerprints as well. It’s like they’re stuck in the desktop era – or position themselves for a different thing.

Octo Browser Support and Updates

Octo keeps you in the loop with updates right in the browser. They don’t come out super often, but the browser cores do release pretty fast, and team is pretty active in their Russian-language chat. The English-speaking community is there too, but it’s the new kid on the block.

Tech support is pretty quick on the draw, both in the app and on Telegram. We didn’t run into any technical issues during our test, so we can’t say how good they are at problem-solving.

support octo browser

At the time of our test, Octo was only available in Russian and English. But hey, considering most of their fans are in the CIS space, that’s probably enough.

Pricing and Plans Dolphin Anty

dolphin-anty price

Free Plan

  • Features: The free plan of Dolphin Anty offers 2 browser profiles with basic fingerprint protection, limited proxy support, and manual profile creation. It is suitable for users managing a small number of identities and does not include advanced features like API access or automation tools.
  • Limitations: Restrictions on the number of profiles and access to advanced tools.

Paid Plans

  1. Base Plan – $29/month: 10 profiles, advanced fingerprint protection, proxy support, and automation tools.
  2. Professional Plan – $59/month: 50 profiles, team collaboration, API access.
  3. Enterprise Plan – Custom Pricing: Unlimited profiles, full features, dedicated support, and custom solutions for large organizations.

Pricing and Plans Octo Browser

octobrowser price

Octo Browser does not offer a free plan or trial period, requiring users to spend at least €29 to access its features.

  • The Starter Plan at €21/month offers 10 profiles but provides minimal functionality, suitable only for personal anonymity.
  • The Base Plan costs €79/month for 100 profiles and offers flexible discounts for longer commitments.
  • Team Plans start at €119/month with options for 350 to 1200 profiles, while the Advanced Plan at €231/month adds extensive features like API access, profile templates, and team management.
  • Custom Plans start at €300+ per month for tailored needs.

Comparison Table

Comparison CriterionDolphin AntyOcto Browser
Features sethas featureno feature
Comfort of usehas featurehas feature
Beginner-friendlyno featurehas feature
Support quality
has featurehas feature
Affordable paid plansno featureno feature
Country of originRussiaBelarus
Free plan / Free trialno featurehas feature
Free in-app proxiesno featureno feature
Mobile appno featureno feature

Conclusion on Dolphin Anty vs Octo Browser

It’s time to crown a winner in Dolphin Anty vs Octo Browser, but here’s the thing – it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation.

If you’re a hardcore affiliate marketer who lives and breathes paid traffic ads – Dolphin Anty might be your thing. It can be not too reliable, but it has some serious power when it comes to automation and mass profile management. Plus, if you’re the type who likes to dive in headfirst and figure things out on your own, you might appreciate Dolphin’s approach.

On the flip side, if you’re looking for something a bit more user-friendly and versatile, Octo Browser could be worth a look. It’s got a cleaner interface and might be easier for newbies to wrap their heads around. But keep in mind, it’s got some limitations, especially when it comes to free trial, mobile use and managing large numbers of profiles.

In the end, Dolphin Anty seems to edge out Octo Browser, especially for power users and affiliate marketers. It’s got more features, better mass profile management, and seems to be more geared towards serious, large-scale operations. However, it’s also got a steeper learning curve and is more prone to downtime and tech issues, which might give some users pause.

Octo Browser, while more limited, could be a good choice for users who prioritize ease of use and don’t need all the bells and whistles. It’s also worth noting that Octo didn’t have any major security incidents that we know of.

Remember, though, that the best tool for you depends on your specific needs. Take both for a test drive (if you can swing it financially) before making your final decision.


Dolphin Anty vs Multilogin

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