Looking for decent Multilogin alternatives for the same cost or less? We have got you covered! Most of the popular antidetect browsers have been covered in our reviews, so we can provide you with top insights for best choice.

Here’s a brief overview of best notable competitors for Multilogin, which takes an honorable #3 in our Top Browser 2024 rating. We’ll highlight all pros and cons of each contender compared to others, as well as pricing and verdict for real business context.

1. GoLogin

With a well-deserved #1 in our Top Browsers 2024 rating, GoLogin might be the best option to consider instead of Multilogin. It’s the perfect daily driver for most (if not all) business cases.

GoLogin offers pretty much same or more features for about a half the price of Multilogin, not compromising on reliability and reputation. We have recently covered GoLogin in a detailed review.



  • As reliable and trusted as Multilogin
  • Free 7-day trial of paid plans
  • Cheaper than Multilogin
  • Higher paid tier limits on profiles and team members
  • Android app + Web app with cloud profile launch
  • Built-in free and paid proxies
  • Customizable UI


  • Some built-in proxy issues (as marked by user reviews)
  • Slow response times at support chat
  • Free proxies can be slow
  • No cheaper plan under Professional

Pricing: $49/month for 100 profiles

Verdict: GoLogin is the #1 Multilogin alternative to consider. It offers basically all same functionality for a fraction of the cost, not compromising on reputation or reliability. A free trial is offered without credit card details.

2. AdsPower


Like Multilogin, AdsPower browser is quite an old tool with a good rating score overall, taking #2 in our Top Browser rating over 2024.

It’s way more complicated than Multilogin (or almost any other antidetect browser), however it has extensive functionality if you’re a technically advanced person.

AdsPower offers a completely flexible pricing model, allowing to not overpay for what you don’t use.


  • Cheaper than Multilogin
  • Sophisticated Robot Automation and Synchronizer tools
  • Extensive mass actions
  • Flexible pricing


  • Requires technical background
  • High learning curve
  • Expensive on middle and top tiers
  • Overwhelming UI.

Pricing: $51/month for 100 profiles and 3 team members

Verdict: If you’re able to overcome the learning curve for all the buttons and switches, AdsPower is versatile and more affordable (at least for solopreneurs). Consider AdsPower as one of Multilogin alternatives if you’re technically advanced.

3. Dolphin Anty

Dolphin Anty is well optimized for all kinds of affiliate marketing, account farming and teamwork. It won’t necessarily be cheaper than Multilogin, but it will offer more features and perks for the same high price.

According to user feedback, Dolphin offers considerably low reliability, especially compared to Multilogin or GoLogin. Together with high price, it’s a more questionable Multilogin alternative than the first two.



  • Made specifically for paid traffic ads and affiliates
  • Extensive mass actions
  • Extensive advertiser features
  • Good and functional Free plan


  • About as expensive as Multilogin
  • Unreliable (as marked by many user reviews online)
  • Doesn’t meet user expectations from high cost
  • Russian community

Pricing: $89 per month for 100 profiles

Verdict: Dolphin Anty is one of the doubtful Multilogin alternatives, as Multilogin users will likely not tolerate it being prone to crashes and the chance of personal data leaks for such a high cost.

4. MoreLogin

MoreLogin can be only considered one of Multilogin alternatives if you need to cut a serious percent of your costs.

It’s a generally lower quality generic software with a lot of inauthentic reviews online and almost no reputation. See our review for more detail on that.

MultiLogin alternatives


  • Cheap (for solo work)
  • Automation and account synchronization features
  • Good free plan with Synchronizer feature


  • Generic software
  • Non-genuine reputation and online reviews
  • Steep learning curve
  • Complicated UI
  • Expensive on middle and high tiers
  • Unknown reliability

Pricing: $35 per month for 100 profiles and 2 users

Verdict: MoreLogin Browser can be considered a Multilogin alternative only for a serious expenses shortage.

AdsPower alternatives

5. Octo Browser

From all the tools we listed, Octo Browser’s UI looks almost exactly like Multilogin’s dash. For this reason Multilogin users will definitely find it easy.

The tool provides good reliability, however there is no free plan or free trial to test it. The costs are also quite high, so there’s no chance to save up on Octo Browser switch. We covered the browser in our detailed review.



  • Clean, Multilogin-like UI
  • No learning curve for Multilogin users
  • Good reliability
  • Good updates


  • No free plan or free trial
  • As expensive as Multilogin
  • Russian speaking community and market
  • Many critical features locked till most expensive tiers

Pricing: €79 per month for 100 profiles

Verdict: Octo Browser is one of the pretty good Multilogin alternatives, especially for its good UI and the fact it’s quite easy to use. It will work if you’re not on a budget and are ready to pay same money up front.

MultiLogin alternatives

Recap on Multilogin Alternatives

  • GoLogin and AdsPower are both decent Multilogin alternatives and should be tested in the first place
  • Octo Browser offers same reliability and clean UI as Multilogin, but also costs about the same
  • Dolphin Anty offers way less reliability than most tools, but a very generous free plan to be used as a potential backup
  • Morelogin can be considered if you need to cut costs, but be aware it’s a serious compromise on overall quality.


Multilogin vs GoLogin
Dolphin Anty vs Multilogin
AdsPower vs Multilogin

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